
Commission: 18%, 10% for cashback systems and 7% for voucher websites 

We are a publishing house with the heart for valuable books. Our objective is to publish exceptional books bringing the readers joy and encouragement today. These show that one can live differently and better.

We carefully choose all the published titles on the world market and among Czech authors alike. Everybody will choose from our books. From beautiful fairy tales, unusual travel through to a useful adviser in the household and garden. But also personalities´ inspiring lives and plenty of other beautiful literature.

Naturally, we keep all the books and CDs on stock and you will buy them in our e-shop with a 20% discount. We also organize a lot of actions (free transport type) and our customers have the possibility of being the first to have newly published titles.

Tip for publishers:

  • the advertiser can offer sending sample books free of charge and information in advance on their actions. Should you need any further specific support (e.g. book covers or authors), get in touch with us.

TOP products:

  1. Peter Wohllebem – Tajný život stromů
  2. Ulrich Schmid – Poznáte ptáky našich zahrad?
  3. Merlin Sheldrake – Propletený život
  4. Dave Goulson – Divočina v zahradě
  5. Smarticular: Pět domácích prostředků nahradí celou drogerii
  6. Andrea Schütze – Kamarádi z Medového lesa
  7. Peter Wohlleben – Přírodě na stopě
  8. Eva-Maria a Wolfgang Dreyerovi – Velký průvodce lesem
  9. Ernsten, J. Walczyk – Moje ptačí knížka
  10. Peter Wohlleben – Slyšíš, jak mluví stromy?

Promotional elements

  • Banners
  • XML feed
  • Coupons
  • PR articles
  • Extra cooperation
  • Email templates
  • Influencer
  • iFrame
  • Dognet Media


Permissions for publishers

  • Cash-back
  • Content
  • Coupon sites
  • Emailing
  • Direct PPC
  • Google CSS
  • External coupons
It is not possible to use branded keywords in PPC campaigns. It is not possible to use branded keywords in the domain names. The commissions are being calculated based on the price excluding VAT and shipping costs. Commissions for B2B orders may be declined.


When promoting the campaign, it is required to use all parameters included in the referrals displayed in our dashboard. Removing the parameters might cause a tracking malfunction or declining the commissions.

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