Record-making 1000 campaigns in our network from all over Europe
Through joint efforts, we´ve exceeded this year a magical limit of 1,000 campaigns that you can find in our portfolio. It´s the result of the joint work of the entire Dognet team.

We're a local affiliate network that wholly understands the market. We cover 0 campaigns and have 0 publishers. Since 2013, we have brought 0 conversions and turnovers worth €0 to our advertisers. We have disbursed to date commissions totalling €0 to publishers.
Through joint efforts, we´ve exceeded this year a magical limit of 1,000 campaigns that you can find in our portfolio. It´s the result of the joint work of the entire Dognet team.
In 2022, we exceeded four limits in the in commissions paid to publishers. We reached the highest limit of €13 mil. The positive thing is that we´re exceeding these limits much faster. We thank all the publishers who trust us.
A joint holiday? A great idea. Let’s go! For many years it was only talked and thought about. As late as in 2022 did this idea got actually materialized and the Dognet team set out on their “number one” vacation in Croatia. What else can we say about it? Nothing, it was simply GREAT. ☺
We´re constantly looking for new ways for our publishers to make their projects more efficient and at the same time bring more high-quality orders to advertisers. That´s why we´ve prepared the Inserta system, which works on a principle similar to that of Google AdSense. It´s adjusted to work with affiliate projects and promote products of Dognet clients.
The book has been prepared by 51 e-commerce experts who shared their long-standing experience. It´s the ultimate guide for those who want to start a high-quality e-shop and also for those who want to improve their e-shop and make their services more efficient.
In co-operation with Galton Brands, after 10 years we decided to refresh our logo and the entire brand visual. This gave rise to a new mascot named Dogy ☺ Likewise the whole Dognet, it is friendly, fair, and somewhat rebellious.
We introduced the Digital University students to how affiliate marketing works, whether you´re on the side of an e-shop or a publisher.
Learn the basics about Dognet and how affiliate marketing works. We will show you the basic administration and tell you how to work with campaigns and their promotion in our network. Most importantly, you will see some of the Dognet team that you will be in contact with. Sign up today at
Our clients in Slovakia did very well in the Heureka Shop of the Year contest. Out of 13 winners in different categories, 8 are our clients!
Our great publishers have surpassed another significant milestone. This time we have already paid them over €7 million
We grew 128% year-over-year in Q1 and delivered nearly 400,000 conversions to advertisers. Great work by the entire Dognet team.
We contributed with content and sponsorship to the Performics agency and created new book “Succeed in Online”. You can buy it HERE.
Since the Croatian market is still in the development stage in the field of affiliate marketing, we decided to communicate the basic terminology and the way affiliate marketing works.
The 600-plus page book has been prepared by 51 authors – online and affiliate marketing experts. For more information, see
44%! By as much as that did the number of conversions in the affiliate network Dognet grow year-on-year in October 2020
Nearly precisely to the day we celebrated last year the breaking of the limit of €3,000,000 to disbursed publishers. Now we broke the limit of 5 million.
Since last summer we have had in the company two newcomers. Ondreh and Tomáš had worked for more than 5 years in their previous job, so now we have an ideal two – a designer and a developer
We have entered into strategic co-operation with the affiliate network Tradedoubler which operates primarily in Western European countries. We can thereby open the way for our advertisers to the west and also vice versa – bring to this country interesting campaigns of major western vendors.
During 2020 and 2021 we also focus on technologic advancement of the network.
During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic we had been for more than 2 months at home in order not to help spread the virus.
Education is key for us and therefore we promote this year the Junior Internet competition which has started already for more than online marketing career of primary and secondary school students.
Within educational activities we had delivered free of charge during 2019 and 2020 hundreds of books to university students
Bloggers are a big added value for affiliate campaigns. We therefore elected to promote them and published a book from 40 authors in an overall circulation of 6,000.copies. For more information see the official site.
We broke the limit of 500 active campaigns. Yes, the affiliate network is about the number if campaigns. Though we only add those that make sense.
This involved €3,000,000 disbursed to publishers and we brought more than 1,000,000 conversions to advertisers. We managed to exceed the two milestones in one month.
Following the experience with the conference AFFILHERO CONF. we decided to organize HotDognet rather than a less formall networking action. We held it together with the network eHub.
The Balkan expansion carries on and in 2020 we are focused on the Slovenian and Croatian markets.
More than 30 authors from the Czech and Slovak Republics have contributed to the new book. In general it is about online marketing, but strongly gravitates just toward afiliate marketing. For more information see the Super Affiliate Academy site.
We exhibit on a regular basis in Hungary, the Czech Republic, and also in Slovakia. The coleague Dávid travels across Europe and follows the trends. All this in order for us to be able to provide advertisers and publishers alike with the very best service.
Personal contacts with the publishers is key for us. We therefore held the first Romanian HotDognet in which over 30 publishers took part.
Hungary is a difficult market where it is necessary to be present very personally. We therefore made the first foreign HotDognet in Budapest.
Roman, a new country manager for the Czech Republic and a first full-time colleague outside of Bratislava, joins us.
Both Czech and Hangarian clients increasingly trust us.
Another logic step after Hungary is the opening of Romania where a great deal of our advertisers and publishers alike operate.
We prepared a new book for affiliate publishers to which over 20 online and affiliate marketing specialists made a contribution.
The opening of the Polish market was a logic step for us. Over time, however, we preferred the development of other markets and we nowdays look to the Polish market merely marginally.
We visited the EXPO in Budapest along with the colleagues.
We let ourselves be convinced and set out for our first EXPO. Since then we have visited several more. This is a great platform for meeting each other and presenting the company.
A popular action becomes of HotDognet which we hold twice a year.
We broke the limit of €1,000,000 disbursed to publishers
We constantly migrate within the building. Still, we already have a hand-made lighting logo, which is the keystone of any successful company!
We co-organize the conference AFFILHERO CONF. in Brno
We publish a book on affiliate marketing for advertisers. You’ll also find in it videos and multitudes of interesting information
It’s unbelieveable yet Dognet has already been around for more than 4 years.
We launch the first Hungarian campaigns and we thereby open ourselves to foreign countries
We have the first 100 affiliate campaigns
Super Affiliate Academy is out as a real scented book
The first HotDognet took place at the new premises
We have the first part-time workers – Martina and Júlia. Júlia is with us to date 🙂
The first real offices on 6, Karpatská St.
Katka, the first full-time member of the team
Launched course Super Affiliate Academy for publishers
The first “Noc affiliate marketingu” which we organised along with Connect Coworking
Miška, the first part-time member of the Dognet team
The first coworking “office” on Kozia Street in Bratislava, where there was so far Štefan only
We launch the first campaigns, they’re even more than ten in number
The first affiliate conversions effected in the network
Preparation of an affiliate network along with the VISIBILITY agency