Modification to Affiliate Addresses
We are frequently asked as to in what manner a publisher can modify an affiliate link URL so as to link to another part of the page. Thus not to the homepage but, for instance, to a particular product.
How to modify a link
Tracking codes need to be added behind the subsite URL.
In the system in Promotion – Banners and Linksyou´ll find among the banners “Classic text link”. It is the very first affiliate link. Copy the tracking codes (e.g.: ?utm_source=dgt&a_aid=XXXX&a_bid=XXXXX or #utm_source=dgt&a_aid=XXXX&a_bid=XXXX) and substitute them for the URL of the subpage, you want to link to.
Classic text link:
The subsite you want to direct:
The resulting URL:
If there is already the character “?” or ”#“ in the URLthen the tracking code will not begin with “?utm_source=dgt&a_aid” but “&utm_source=dgt&a_aid”.
A question mark will appear most frequently in the URL while searching or using the filter.
Classic text link::
Subpage with filtered products: link contains a question mark in the URL)
The resulting URL: (instead ofutm_source=dgt&a_aid we put &utm_source=dgt&a_aid)
How to modify a link for redirect links
In certain campaigns you will find redirect links to an advertiser´s page. Such links begin in the form….
If necessary, you can add a parameter defining what subpage a visitor is to get to. You´ll indicate the destination URL (thus a given subpage) as the parameter desturl. For more information on this modification, please read the article Tracking options for publishers.
How to test functionality
It suffices to click a couple of times on a new link and if you can see it in the list of clicks, everything is OK. A delay is about 20-30 minute. For the list, see Summaries > List of all clicks
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