General tracking integration
The tracking codes need to be deployed on the page of every advertiser. What do they look like?
The tracking codes record all clickthroughs of our publishers and also sales that the publishers have brought.
Without them affiliate could not work. What these codes look like?
Click tracking
Click tracking is a code that keeps track of clicks of our publishers. It must be placed on every page of e-shop or page. We recommend to insert it in the page header or footer. This code must be displayed on the home page, product and category pages, as well as on error 404 page (non-existing page).
The click tracking code as such is our Google Analytics.
The click tracking code looks as follows:
<div id='papPlaceholder'></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(d,t) { var script = d.createElement(t); script.id= 'pap_x2s6df8d'; script.async = true; script.src = '//login.dognet.sk/scripts/fj27g82d'; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { var rs = this.readyState; if (rs && (rs != 'complete') && (rs != 'loaded')) return; PostAffTracker.setAccountId('84f47cda'); try { var CampaignID='5cd28340'; PostAffTracker.track(); } catch (e) {} } var placeholder = document.getElementById('papPlaceholder'); placeholder.parentNode.insertBefore(script, placeholder); placeholder.parentNode.removeChild(placeholder); })(document, 'script'); </script>
Sale tracking
Sale tracking is a code that keeps track of sales. It must be placed on the thank you page after shopping, regardless of payment or shipping selection. The order ID and the purchase value excl. VAT and shipping or payment charges need to be dynamically inserted in this code. The list of ordered products can also be inserted in the code. This parameter is not mandatory, but we recommend to use it for better effectiveness of our publishers.
The sale tracking code as such is our Google eCommerce tracking. Do you want to measure conversions in a currency other than Euro? Here you are, the guide Tracking orders in various currencies..
The sale tracking code looks as follows:
<div id='papSaleTrackingPlaceholder'></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(d,t) { var script = d.createElement(t); script.id= 'pap_x2s6df8d'; script.async = true; script.src = '//login.dognet.sk/scripts/fj27g82d'; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { var rs = this.readyState; if (rs && (rs != 'complete') && (rs != 'loaded')) return; PostAffTracker.setAccountId('84f47cda'); var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale(); sale.setCampaignID('5cd28340'); sale.setTotalCost('120.50'); //value of the order without tax and shipping sale.setOrderID('12345XYZ'); //put order ID sale.setCoupon('zlava10'); //put coupon code used in the order sale.setProductID('products123, products321,...'); //the list of purchased products or the list of orders ID. sale.setCurrency('HUF'); //currency try { PostAffTracker.track(); } catch (e) {} } var placeholder = document.getElementById('papSaleTrackingPlaceholder'); placeholder.parentNode.insertBefore(script, placeholder); placeholder.parentNode.removeChild(placeholder); })(document, 'script'); </script>
The code deployment is simple
Contact your developer. The deployment of codes is more complex than that of Google eCommerce tracking 😉 We´ve prepared for you a couple of references so that you know that there´s nothing complex about it.
It took our developers 5 minutes or so to deploy.
Marek Šikeť, Administrator & Online marketing inSPORTline.skIt took me approximately 15 minutes to integrate the Dognet tracking codes. This is a simple script into which several parameters are fitted. That´s all there´s to it.
Tomáš Jenej, NEONUS developer – complex internet solutionsDeployment of scripts? I do not know exactly but it took me just a few minutes, as these are fundamental things.
Vladimír Dzurko, BioNatural.sk developerWell, we solved it via GTM and so the deploment was a matter of an hour (including communication about and testing). For me, this is one of those simple codes, it can´t compare at all with FB retargeting.
Pavel Šabatka, web analyst of House of ŘezáčIt took our developers no extra plenty of time to integrate the codes. The codes are fully standard and if somebody already uses Google Analytics and E-commerce, then it is the question of inserting the codes at the level of minutes, definitely not of hours.
Matej Tomašovský, Performance Manager, RIESENIA.com
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