9 experts express their views on why it makes sense to involve the CSS publishers in an affiliate campaign
Google Shopping is one of the strongest elements an e-shop can use to promote it. It effectively complements the classic PPC campaigns and has high performance. The Dognet affiliate network can support this channel via affiliated affiliate publishers who will bring additional efficiency to your e-shop.
CSS affiliate partners will bring new conversions on a commission basis only
Many e-shops advertise via Google Shopping on their own, but few of them also use the services of external CSS partners. The abbreviation CSS derives from the term Comparison Shopping Service (CSS), these are pages comparing products of individual e-shops according to their price and other parameters. Visitors to these pages are then directed to an advertiser’s website. A detailed description of CSS is given in this article.
Such CSS partners can create Shopping campaigns for you and get you an additional source of traffic.
Enabling CSS partners is easy and beneficial for the e-shop
- An external CSS partner can make your products more visible. CSS partners will customize ad titles and descriptions, so that it’s not just simple duplicates.
- In working with the CSS partners via the affiliate network, you only pay for the conversion so that you can be sure that you only pay for results and not for clicks.
- You have a better chance of a visitor clicking on your ad or a partner’s ad instead of your competitor’s one.
- You can get more views, clicks and thereby higher turnover owing to additional traffic
Co-operation with an affiliate CSS partner is purely on a commission basis
Most companies offering CSS partner services charge some kind of monthly fee for the service, but each partner sets the price individually. However, in cooperating via an affiliate network, all you have to do is give permission and our partners will get to work. You only pay for the conversion so that you bear no risk as an advertiser.
Independent experts agree that it’s a good idea to try and get involved
Certainly, if publishers also get involved in shopping, advertising will not become more expensive. It´s common in every segment, nevertheless, that an enormous number of different e-shops with a huge number of products enter the auctionso that with even a publisher getting involved it will not become more expensive. I even confirm that it may have a positive effect. At the end of the day, the % impact of displaying a company’s products on customers is enhancedthrough a combination of own campaigns and the publisher.
Whether a client will benefit from the involvement in CSS depends on the margin rate and competitiveness of the search. I would definitely recommend trying it asa number of partners know better how to cover targeting and budget, and at the end of the day the client may have better results.
Even if an e-shop already operates its own Google Shopping, co-operation with a number of CSS publishers might bring it an increase in reach and profit. On the other hand, this co-operation might lead to a higher competitive pressure and thereby to a higher price per click. It depends on many factors, so I recommend to evaluate all the pros and cons individually and thereby decide which strategy is the best for the given e-shop. It holds in principle, nevertheless, that there is definitely a potential in co-operation with CSS publishers, we have experience with this with our clients as well.
When,in general,it makes sense for an affiliate campaign to promote via CSS partners. Whether to offer them the same amount of commission, it has to evaluate itself based on its own data. What are the arguments for working with a number of CSS partners? Firstly, if the e-shop gets more ad impressions in Google shoppingsper user querywill be higher and thus theprobability of conversion ratio should also be higher. In other words, more orders. Possibly, the second argument is more important. Each of the CSS partners may have a different strategy, target a different target group, promote a different part of the assortment, thereby reaching on aggregatea wider audience. This, in turn, should bring in additional sales. We, at the agency, also have clients who, in addition to their own shopping campaigns, also cooperate with CSS partners, while the different strategy of CSS partners, when they bring a different customer segment to the e-shop, decided in favour of this parallel advertising. This way we complement each other and collectively bring higher returns to the client. It is in the interest of the advertiser that his shopping campaigns are as diversified as possible and have the widest possible scope. If a publisher, remunerated only through a commission, can bring it to him at his own expense, this step is definitely worth considering.
The co-operation with a number of CSS partners is a great option for an advertiser set out to maximize its visibility,thereby creating pressure to bear on his competitors in the segment. And just by doing this this can do it just by involving several CSS partners through the affiliate program.
In case that the advertiser does not sell his own brand, then such a service is definitely advantageous for it. This will gain more space in the search results, thereby increasing the chance that the consumer will get to its site. Increasing physical presence is the key to growth, and the more often an e-shop appears in Google, the better.
The advertiser does not pay anything for the involvement in CSS, weourselves do pay for the advertisement in Google Ads, the advertiser only pays contingent commissions coming out of that advertisement of ours. At the same time, getting another CSS involved in no way complete the campaigns already created. Getting another CSS will complete their overall promotion and is a higher probability of shopping with them than with that with competitors. These are not just a complement source of the traffic be a sourcetraffic and revenue for the advertiser and are, at the same time,it is risk-free from the advertiser’s side. 🙂
Every e-shop can try and evaluate the involvement of CSS affiliate publishers. By involving CSS publishers, he can gain, but I would definitely recommend monitoring it and then evaluating the impact on conversions and campaign performance.
Zapojenie viacerých CSS partnerov formou provízie cez affiliate sieť je jedna z možností, ako získať pre e-shop nové konverzie. Určite to odporúčam vyskúšať a vyhodnotiť po 3-5 mesiacoch fungovania. Určite nazabúdať na to, že aj inzerent (e-commerce merchant) samotný by mal prejsť pod CSS partnera so svojim Google Merchant účtom a tak výrazne obmedziť predraženie CPC v Google Shopping Ads.
The involvement of CSS partners in our affiliate network can significantly improve its efficacy and enhance the conversion rate. In case of interest in becoming involved in CSS, do not hesitate and contact us at dobias@dognet.cz. 🙂